Sunday 5 June 2016

So, I've uploaded my first mod to What's my impression? Well, since you are interested to know I shall indulge you. is an atrocity.

Let me list some of my grievances:

1. Website Navigation - this has got to be one of the worst "official" webpages I've ever seen. Ignoring that it looks butt-ugly, and despite it being simplistic in its approach, it's got so much clutter that it looks like a rabid animal trampled through the html. The entire layout of site changes between pages for crying out loud! Also, when I click on my name while browsing the Mods section, I expect to go to my frickin' profile, not to bloody account settings! Idiocy!

2. Mod Uploading Process - Bethesda claims that their new, innovative mod uploading process will make it easier for both mod authors and mod users to use mods. Well guess what? It's DOESN'T FOR ME! I had to upload The Serenity (the weapon mod in question) a total of 5 times. FIVE TIMES before I was happy. Two of those were for PC, and the other three were for the Xbox One. Such a damn, bloody hassle.

3. Mod Page Limitations - Why only 3 images? I can't show off the mod properly with only three images. It's dumb. Plus, you can't have optional files - you know, those useful things that let users customise the mod? - Nope, Bethesda doesn't have those. And let's not get started on the baseline bare-minimum feature-wise comment section that could possibly be available; no options for "sticky" comments, no self-moderation, and not even an EDIT BUTTON.

4. The Need for Separate Mod Pages per Platform - Okay, look, I can understand that the hardware is different. I get that. But why the hell do I have to upload a single mod 3 separate times (2 at the moment, PS4 support isn't out yet) instead of just once, and then have files for EACH platform within that mod page? It would be so much easier to manage that way.

5. Filesize Bloat - The PC version is 1.8 MB. That's good. That's what I expected. Guess what the Xbox One version is? Go on, guess. It was... 35.3 MB! Yep, 19x the PC version. And why is that? I don't bloody know.

So yeah, that's my rant of the day. I'll still upload some mods to, but definitely not all of them. If they can fix some of the rookie errors, then I may reconsider, but as of now, the less time I spend in that hellhole, the better.

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