Monday 23 May 2016


I couldn't think of a name, so I just wrote "Visc" and decided it was good enough.

No download yet.

Friday 13 May 2016

Assassin's Blade

I made this for my Dishonoured style character.

I'll also release an optional file that removes the ring from the crossguard.

Monday 9 May 2016

The Serenity

Based off The Serenity from Longship Armoury. I was just searching around Kult of Athena's site and stumbled across it, and then I pretty much started modelling it straight away.

This one took about 5 hours to do - would've been quicker, but I wanted to experiment with Substance Painter 2. So far, I like the program (though I still did 90% of the textures in Paint.NET) and it's something I'll keep trying to use until I get better at it. I've still got 29 days before the trial runs out.

Skyrim download
Fallout 4 download

Sunday 1 May 2016

Pier Gerlof Donia's Greatsword

Pier Gerlof Donia's Greatsword, as requested by VIIVII.

(image from

I liked the look of that sword, and I had a spare afternoon, so I decided I might as well make it.

This took me around 3 hours to make from scratch, but that's not surprising given how simplistic it is shaped. I much prefer swords that are plain and practical, however.

You can download it here.